Steam Pressing

Steam Pressing

Through our specially installed steam plant, many steam-operated pressing machines operate to produce a crisp and smooth quality. Valuable sensitive clothes are pressed here without fear of burns.

In life, confidence is a key component to your success and nothing boosts confidence like a crispy shirt which increases your self-esteem and impression over others. Remember always to dress better than the occasion, that’s what Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was famous for.

For Amarpak, no occasion is too small for a shirt done steam pressing the right way which is why we also press shirts on urgent demand. This additional service returns you the shirt the very next day ready for you to shine, the Amarpak way!

Our service of steam pressing gives you the option to either starch (Kalaf/Maya) your clothes or press them simply. Starch (Kalaf/Maya), usually applied best on Shalwar Kameez, makes your wearable crispy as paper. You also have the option of having your shirts on hangers or folded.  Folded shirts are a great service if you’re traveling and hangers are best at keeping that crisp alive for long.

You can either drop off your dry cleaning items at Amarpak laundry service or we can pick it up from your place. Visit one of our outlets or visit our website/call us on our number to book a home laundry pick-up and delivery or order an on-spot cleaning service.
